1)I've never been to Kiev
2)In 882 Kiev became the capital of Rus and in the X-XII centuries it reached its peak.
3)According to legend, Kiev was named after Kiy, one of the three brothers who founded the city.
4)The sites of ancient people on the site of modern Kiev existed already 25,000 years ago.
5)One of the symbols of Kiev is the chestnut leaf, as these trees grow throughout the Ukrainian capital.
6)Kiev was the first city in the Russian Empire to have an electric tram line built.
7)The tallest building in Kiev remains the TV tower, erected in the 1970s.
8)The shortest transport route in Kiev is the funicular, the terminal stations of which are only 222 meters apart.
9)The outlines of the right-bank part of Kiev from a height resemble the profile of a person.
10)The oldest monument in Kiev is the monument to the Magdeburg Law, erected at the beginning of the 19th century.
смогла найти 9 интерестных фактов о Киеве (можешь оценить я сторалась)
При запереченні слова is, are, am міняються на isn't, aren't і am not.
При питанні слова am, is, are переносяться на перше місце.
1) I am not watering the flowers now.
Am I watering a flowers now?
2) Mum isn't going to her work at the moment.
Is mum going to her work at the moment?
3) They aren't watching TV now.
Are they watching TV now?
4) Mary and Bob aren't taking the bus.
Are Mary and Bob taking the bus?
5) The children aren't reading this book right now.
Are the children reading this book right now?
6) Oksana isn't making a present for her mother.
Is Oksana making a present for her mother?
7) We aren't doing homework now.
Are we doing homework now?
1. Kelly isn't as tall as Cindy.
2. My case isn't as heavy as yours.
3. London isn't as big as Mexico City.
4. Tennis isn't as popular as football.
5. Adults don't learn languages as fast as children do.
6. I don't work as hard as you do.
7. England did't play as hard as France did.