Traditional entertainment appeared in Ancient Greece about 2,500 years ago. Then people held festivals in honor of the ancient God Dionysus. At this festival, they sang and danced. Later, people began to write poems for the choir. Then they started making dialogues and monologues between people. There were two forms of classical drama-tragedy and Comedy. In the middle ages, the Church considered drama to be wrong entertainment, but gradually drama appeared along with moral plays. People preferred a Roman drama to be performed by a group of traveling actors. The actors didn't have a text, so they improvised. Actors performed works that included plays, songs, and dances. The Golden age of theater began when the first theaters were built. The first was built in London in 1652. These days, people entertain themselves by listening to music, watching TV programs, movies, and videos. But theater is still one of our favorite pastimesр.
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