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17.07.2020 13:44 •  Английский язык

Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).
The Symbol of New York
People who come to New York by sea at once see the Statue of Liberty. It is the most famous symbol of the largest Arnerican city (if not of the whole country). The statue shows liberty as a proud graceful woman in a loose dress. In her right hand she holds a torch. She wears a crown with seven spikes. The spikes mean freedom on the seven seas and continents. In her left hand she has a tablet (табличка с надлисыо) with the date of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. Abroken chain lies at her feet. The chain means tyranny. The Statue was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States in 1886. On the day when it was presented, a parade was held in New York City. From several hundred thousand to a million of people watched it. The Lady is 46 metres tall and weighs 225 tons. There is a museum at the bottom of the statue. It tells visitors about the history of immigrants to the United States. There
are 365 steps to the upper area from which you can observe toe city. It is the most beautiful monument! The Lady is tourists' favourite souvenir. It takes the form of pencil sharpeners. plates, I-shirts and other
The Statue of Liberty is situated in the centre of New York.
2. The The sculpture shows a woman with a graceful hat on her head.
3. The Statue symbolizes freedom all over the world.
4. It took a year to construct the statue.
5. A chain at the feet of the Lady symbolizes liberty.
6. The French gave the statue as a present. The present was for the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
8. Every year the day is marked by the parade.
9. The Statue is very high and heavy.
10. Tourists like to have a souvenir of the statue in different forms.

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Mendeleev Dmitry Ivanovich-Famous russian scientist,who discover periodic law of chemical elements.He was born in 1834 in Tobolsk.He was ingenious student and he developed in many sciences including physics and chemistry.He gave the world a lot of new knowledge and  gave a basis for the development of science in the future.Most of his discovers was associated with chemistry and thats why he became famous.He also became the first director of the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures.
He died in 1907 in Saints Petersburg,but people still remember his discovers and inventions.
4,5(27 оценок)
С детства всем говорят, что спорт очень важен для здоровья и развития человека. Но почему-то всегда находятся отговорки, чтобы не пойти в какую-то секцию: то не хватает времени на уроки, то далеко находится стадион. Но стоит только один раз решиться, и вся жизнь изменится навсегда.

Мой друг долгое время ходил на плавание, его отвела туда бабушка еще в пять лет. Перед каждой своей тренировкой он уговаривал пойти с собой, а меня находились отговорки. Но когда отрицать уже не было сил, я решился. Конечно, я слышал его рассказы о том, как это здорово, но такого не ожидал.

После тренировки я понял, что плавание отличный поддерживать себя в отличной физической форме. Естественно, что первые разы было очень тяжело физически: болели все мышцы, по утрам не хотелось вставать с кровати. Но стоит продержаться две – три тренировки и можно почувствовать, как с каждым взмахом руки или движением ног, тело наливается силой.

Стоит упомянуть, что плавание – это особый вид спорта, совсем не обязательно добиваться олимпийских успехов, ведь даже маленьким детям полезно находится в воде. Существует даже особое направление – лечебное, его назначают людям, которые не могут ходить. Ведь вода человеку разрабатывать все группы мышц и чувствовать себя в тонусе. Если же говорить обо мне, то уже несколько лет мы с другом ходим на плавание, теперь я не представляю свою жизнь без тренировок

После них чувствуешь себя обновленным. Существует несколько стилей плавания: кроль на спине и на груди, баттерфляй и брасс. Каждый пловец предпочитает один из них, но должен владеть всеми. Я, например, люблю плавать брассом. В нем нужно очень ритмично зринати и четко следить за дыханием, чтобы не сбиться сритма.

Я стал увлекаться плаванием, не пропускаю ни одного соревнования. Меня искренне восхищают олимпийские чемпионы, ведь теперь стал понимать, сколько сил и упорство вложено в каждую победу. Ведь даже попасть на любое соревнование это огромный труд, а уж выиграть еще сложнее. Мой кумир Майкл Фелпс, он восемнадцатикратный олимпийский чемпион. При этом он виртуозно владеет всеми видами плавания

Теперь я точно знаю, какой вид спорта навсегда останется в моей жизни. Ведь именно плавание придает мне сил и здоровья правильно дышать, а самое главное дисциплинирует и делает сильнее. Каждый волен делать выбор сам, для меня лучшим спортом было и останется плавание, даже если я не добьюсь каких–либо успехов.
From his childhood all say that sport is very important for the health and human development. But for some reason there are always excuses not to go to some section: it does not have enough time for lessons, it is far from the stadium. But it is necessary only once to decide, and all life will change forever.
A friend of mine for a long time, went for a swim, it was placed there by my grandmother back in five years. Before each of his training he was persuaded to go with him, and me were excuses. But to deny when there was no power, I decided. Of course, I've heard his stories about how great it is, but I didn't expect that.
After training, I realized that swimming is a great way to keep yourself in good physical shape. Naturally, the first few times it was very hard physically all my muscles ached in the morning not wanted to get out of bed. But it is necessary to hold two or three training sessions and you can feel with every flick of the wrist or movement of the feet, the body is poured into force.
It is worth mentioning that swimming is a special sport, it is not necessary to achieve Olympic success, because even young children are useful in the water. There is even a special direction – medical, it is prescribed to people who can not walk. After all, water helps a person to develop all muscle groups and feel in good shape. If we talk about me, then for several years we go swimming with a friend, now I can not imagine my life without training
After them you feel renewed. There are several styles of swimming: cross on the back and chest, butterfly and breaststroke. Each swimmer prefers one of them, but must own all. For example, I love to swim breaststroke. It should be very uptempo Srinath and clearly follow the breath, so you can keep track of SITMA.
I became fond of swimming, do not miss a single competition. I am truly delighted with the Olympic Champions, because now I understand how much effort and perseverance is invested in every victory. After all, even to get to any competition is a huge work, and it is even more difficult to win. My idol is Michael Phelps, he's an eighteen-time Olympic champion. At the same time he masterfully owns all kinds of swimming
Now I know exactly what kind of sport will remain in my life forever. After all, swimming gives me strength and health, helps me breathe correctly, and most importantly disciplines and makes me stronger. Everyone is free to make a choice himself, for me the best sport was and will remain swimming, even if I do not achieve any success.
4,6(97 оценок)
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