1. When will be sunny on vacation , I'll walk. 2. When it rains on vacation , we'll leave. 3. When will be cloudy on vacation , I and my brother and my father will shoot. 4. When will be sunny on vacation , I 'm not going to sit at home 5. When it is windy , my brother would not play football . 6. Will you stay at home , when it will be sunny ? 7. You will swim when it 's cold ? 8. When on holiday the weather is good , my mom will have a good mood. 9. Whether they will play the piano when they break?
Hello dear friend! I think I would agree with you mother. Spending your days without any activity is boring. Collecting stamps and coins is tottaly for kids. You should find a more interesting and not simple hobby. For example, I have a hobby to take photos of people who I even don't know. This is very ambitious. I usually catch them sitting in the bus, eating, writing. I like it how they are not prepared and do not expect their actions to be captioned. For this kind of hobby I dont really need to be active as there are people all around me. Eventually, when I mix up all the photos together, I could even make a film. Without any talking, just some special effects. I know a very interesting activity which I would like to try as a hobby. It is drawing on water with paint. Although I don't know much about it yet, I am looking forward to make a start. Hope I encouraged you to do interesting things, Bye
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