1. After Jim and Ben had bought the tickets, they entered the theme park. (buy, enter)
2. After the boys had three rides, they felt hungry. (have, feel)
3. Mum had made and packed some sandwiches for them. So they just bought some drinks. (make, pack, buy)
4. The boys had took a ride on a roller coaster after they ate their sandwiches. (take, eat)
5. After coming off the roller coaster, Jim noticed that he had lost his cap. (notice, lose)
6. He asked a girl from the staff about his hat. The girl said that she picked on it up and passed the cap to the ticket desk. (ask, pick, pass)
7. After Jim had fetched his hat, they went to take a ride on the drop tower. (fetch, go)
8 When the boys had reached home, their parents asked if they had a good day. (reach, have)
Past Simple употребляется в случаях:
Если надо рассказать о действии, которое неоднократно / часто (обычно) происходило в . (My mom always said me...)Если действие произошло единожды и не относится к настоящему никак. (I was born in...)для описания последовательных действий в . (Shе made a coffee, took her backpack, put on a jacket and went to school.)Past Perfect употребляется в случаях:
Требуется показать действие, произошедшее перед другим действием в . (Действие завершилось до начала другого).Действие завершилось до определённого момента в . (I had done my homework before my mom returned.).
In my house i have my own room. It is not that big, but I like it! I have a closet with my clothes and things. Next, I have my bed it is very comfy! I also have a desk and a bookshelf. I also have a TV, it is next to my bed. On my bedroom wall I have a lots of posters! But, the best thing is my window! it has a beautiful view. I like my bedroom.
В моєму домі в мене є моя власна кімната. Вона не така вже й велика, але вона подобається! Я маю шафу з моїм одягом та речами. Далі, в мене є дуже зручне ліжко! Також я маю стіл та книжкову шафу. Також в мене є телевізор, він знаходиться перед моїм ліжком. На стінах моєї спальної кімнати є багато постерів! Але, найкраща річ це моє вікно! Звідти є красивий краєвид. Мені подобається моя спальна кімната.