Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your letter. I was glad to get a letter from you!
You said me that you were in the hospital. What a pity!! Are you OK? Oh, my friend Elmis also was in the hospital for two weeks. Fortunately he is doing well and he is already at home. I visited him every day.
Yes, I can give you advice. You must obey doctors, eat well, comply with hygiene and often go out to get some fresh air.
Are your parents visit you? Do you want me to come too?
Oh, I must finish my letter. Get well soon! Goodbye !
Best wishes,
Напиши сколько у тебя комнат, и я что нибудь придумаю, но пока что:
I have got a family. There are 5 family members in it. We have a huge house. It consists if bricks and stone. I'm really glad to see how it looks. It shapes rectangular and look like very good. There are 5 rooms. These are 2 bedrooms, 2 living rooms and kitchen. I dont know about everyone, but I decorated my room myself. There is a wardrobe, bed, chair, and table. The walls are red and the floor is wooden. I have a balcony and I can get to the roof by my balcony. It's really cool to have your flat.
1- yes
2-17 million square kilometers.
3- the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic oceans.
4-здесь написано всего 10, но на самом деле с Россией граничит с 14 странами по суше и 2 по воде
7- The President is the head of the state.
8-it is the deepest lake in the world.
9-Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources.
10-The national banner of Russia is a tricolour with white, blue and red stripes.