today I gonna stay at home. well, I will drink tea and eat treats. nobody will nervous me. at evening wash with my favorite shower gel. my cat laying at my chest. murrr-murr, I love my cat so much. do you know what? I will revise the "home alone". or even the Titanic. and that, that I watched these films so many times that even lost count. hmm, I found an old and very warm blanket. I will cover them. call friends? bad idea, i will see them tomorrow at school. I'll order pizza. probably choose mushroom. or cheese. or exotic. better exotic, have not eaten anything strange for a long time. the cat purrs, enjoying the fact that I am at home. I will hang over the bed garlands. very beautiful. even take a picture of it. The best moments are worth itto be photographed. for happiness do not need much. for example, a cat, a warm blanket, and tea. and of course, the weekend.
1.Коллективизация (формы и методы ее осуществления) привела к трагедии в 1931 – 1933 гг.: в казахской степи разразился голод, приведший к массовым смертям и эпидемиям.
2.Ни Казкрайком, ни правительство республики, ни местные партийные и советские органы ничего не сделали для того, чтобы предупредить эту трагедию и обеспечить умирающее население продовольствием.
3. Во многих исследованиях зарубежных и казахстанских авторов коллективизацию, проведенную Советской властью, называют геноцидом.
4. Академик М. Козыбаев и другие отмечали, что в целом в результате голода, холода и эпидемий (тиф, холера и др.) в Казахстане вымерло около 2 млн. 100 тыс. казахов, что составило 49% от общей численности всего казахского населения.
5. Восстановить свою численность (как до коллективизации) казахам удалось лишь в 1969 г.
1) Molly asked Vicky if she often visited her aunt.
2) Martin asked Den if his friend played table tennis.
3) Mother asked her daughter if she would help her with the washing up.
4) Helen asked her Granny if she had bought any apples for her
5) Sam asked Mike if he had written an essay.
6) The doctor asked the patient if he often had headaches.
7) George asked his father if he had repaired his bike.
8) The shop-assistant asked the customer if he had tried the shoes on.
9) The waiter asked us if we would have anything for dessert.
10) Mother asked Pam if he was watching TV.
11) Angela asked Emmy if anything was wrong.
12) Ted asked his parents if they were going to the theatre.
13) The guide asked the tourists if they understood English.
14) The child asked his mother if he might play football with his friends.
15) Granny asked Sally if she could go shopping for her.
16) The teacher asked the pupils if he should spoke louder.
17) Alice asked her friend if she saw this film.
18) Jane asked the conductor if she had to show him her ticket.
19) Granny asked Tommy if he was hungry.
20) The professor asked the student if he learnt French at school.