the term "computer security "isn't used very frequently.
is the term "computer security "used very frequently?
the content of computer isn't vulnerable to several risks unless the computer is connected to other computers to form a the content of computer vulnerable to several risks unless the computer is connected to other computers to form a network?
3) the use of computer networks, especially the internet, hasn't become widely spread.has the use of computer networks, especially the internet become widely spread?
4) сonfidentiality doesn't mean that information cannot beaccessed by unauthorized parties.
does сonfidentiality mean that information cannot beaccessed by unauthorized parties?
5) integrity doesn't mean that information is protected against unauthorized changes that are not detectable to authorized users.does integrity mean that information is protected against unauthorized changes that are not detectable to authorized users?
6) authentication doesn't mean that the users are those persons who they claim to be.does authentication mean that the users are those persons who they claim to be?
7) availability doesn't mean that resources are accessible by authorized parties.does availability mean that resources are accessible by authorized parties?
8) other important factors of computer security professionals don't call the access control and other important factors of computer security professionals call the access control and nonrepudjation?
9) privacy isn't perhaps the most important aspect of computer security for everyday internet privacy perhaps the most important aspect of computer security for everyday internet users?
10) it isn't now very important that individuals are able to maintain control over what information is collected about them, how it is used, who may use it, and what purpose it is used it now very important that individuals are able to maintain control over what information is collected about them, how it is used, who may use it, and what purpose it is used for?
можете отметить мой ответ как лучшее ? !
1. глагол to be связывает существительное (местоимение) и прилагательное.
tак как to be незаменим при описаниях, характеризуя или описывая что-либо при прилагательных, не забывайте связывать слова при глагола-связки: i am fine. – я (есть) в порядке.
my son (he) is happy. – мой сын (есть) счастлив.
the children (they) are healthy. – дети (есть) здоровы.
this book (it) is interesting. – эта книга интересная.
2. глагол to be употребляют, когда хотят сказать, кем или чем является предмет обсуждения.
иными словами, отвечая на вопросы типа: кто это? что это? , в ответе используйте to be. также to be необходим, если вы представляетесь сами или представляете кого-либо: i am your teacher. – я ваш учитель.
she is my sister mary. – это моя сестра мери.
they are my colleagues. – они мои коллеги.
3. глагол to be используется, когда говорят о профессиях.
mary is a writer. – мери – писательница.
john is a businessman. – джон – бизнесмен.
my friends are engineers. – мои друзья инженеры.
4. to be употребляется, когда говорят о национальностях.
недаром многие учебники начинаются с изучения названий стран и национальностей, таким образом, удобно отрабатывать использование глагола to be:
i am american. – я американец.
anna is russian. – анна .
max is canadian. – макс канадец.
my partners are chinese. – мои партнеры китайцы
2. He has broken ...
3. I have known ...
4. We have already seen...
5. I have finished ...
Has she bought a new dress?
Has he broken his leg?
Has he known him for five years?
Have we seen that film?
Have I finished my essay?
She hasn’t bought a new dress.
He hasn’t broken his leg.
He hasn’t known him for five years.
We haven’t seen this film.
I haven’t finished my essay.