Irbis or snow leopard- large predatory mammal from the cat family mountain dwelling in Central Asia.
Animal body length 130 cm, tail length- 106 cm.Adult person weights about 50 kg.
Species belongs to the category of endangered animals on the global scale.Snow leopards are listed in a Red Book of Russia and International Union for Conservation of Nature.There are 100 Irbises in Russia and haunting is forbidden.
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Irbis, or, as it is sometimes called, snow leopard, is a large predatory mammal from the cat family that lives in the mountains of Central Asia. In Russia, the range includes the Altai Republic, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tuva, Buryatia.
The body length of the animal can reach 130 centimeters, the tail length - 106 centimeters. An adult weighs about 50 kilograms.
The species belongs to the category of endangered animals on a global scale. The snow leopard is listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, in the Red Book of Russia. The total number of snow leopards in the Russian Federation does not exceed 100 individuals. Hunting for them is prohibited. In 2002, the "Strategy for the conservation of the snow leopard (snow leopard) in Russia" was adopted and approved.