як я зрозуміла це має бути будь яка сценка тому що книги з 5 класу у мене немає тому я напишу будь яку сценку на англійській мові
a beautiful girl was walking on the street and met her former classmate they talked about his life and after 1 hour they parted and she went about her business
красивая девушка гуляла по улице и встретила бывшего одноклассника они говорили про его жизнь один час после этого они розошлись иона пошла по своим делам
красива дівчина гуляла по вулиці та зустріла колишнього однокласника вони поговорили про його життя 1 годину вони розлучилися та вона пішла по своїм справам
Sometimes Russian spends summer holidays at home or stays at the dacha, travel inside Russia and go to the country’s resorts. Half of the people say that they are not often happy with their holidays because they can’t spend them at the place they want or don’t have enough time or money for good holidays. Younger people have a tendency to spend their holidays in foreign countries, while older people prefer the beaches or stay at home. Most people organize their holidays themselves and other go to travel agencies. During their holidays people prefer to go out on excursions or laze about on the beach. Some Russians prefer activity holidays. They may go backpacking to the mountains, stay in a tent, sing songs around a campfire. Every fourth Russian likes backpacking and camping holidays. Russian schoolchildren have three months summer holidays.