Arkhangelsk - a city in the north of European Russia. The administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast and Primorsky Municipal District forms the municipality "City of Arkhangelsk." Population - 355.8 thousand people. [4]
Located on both banks of the Northern Dvina and the islands of the delta in the 30-35 km of the river flows into the White Sea. The climate is temperate maritime.
Arkhangelsk was founded by order of Ivan the Terrible in 1584, near the monastery of Archangel Michael (hence the name of the city). [6] City of Military Glory, was awarded the Order of Lenin.
1) some;
2) any;
3) some;
4) any;
5) some;
6) some.
PRESENT SIMPLE : He's a computer programmer ( Он программист.)
He works in an Italian restaurant ( Он работает в итальянском ресторане.)
She's an actress ( Она актриса.)
His wife Is American ( Его жена Американка.)
Is he married? ( Он женат?)
Does he have any children? ( У него есть дети?)
Where does she work? ( Где он работает?)
What does your husband do? ( Чем занимается твой муж?)
She doesn't work in an office. ( Она не работает в офисе.)
I don't fly to Australia. ( Я не летаю в Австралию.)
I don't know. ( Я не знаю.)
She doesn't like it. (Она не любит это.)
PRESENT CONTINOUS : I'm going to wear a dress. ( Я собираюсь надеть платье.)
We're going to the cinema. ( Мы собираемся в кино.)
They're going to stay in a hotel. ( Они собираются остаться в отеле.)
She's going to visit a museum. ( Она собирается посетить музей.)
Where are you going on holiday? ( Куда ты собираешься на каникулах?)
Where are you going to stay? ( Где ты собираешься остаться?
What are you going to do? ( Что ТЫ собираешься делать?)
What are you going to wear? ( Что ты собираешься надеть?)
I'm not going to wear an uniform. ( Я не собираюсь надевать форму.)
He's not going to be a teacher. ( Он не собирается стать учителем.)
They're not going to USA. ( Они не собираются в США.)
She's not going to China. ( Она не собирается В Китай.)
PAST SIMPLE: His father lived in Chicago. ( Его отец жил в Чикаго.)
We met Harry. ( Мы встретили Гарри.)
He sent a letter ( Он отправил письмо.)
She have white wine. ( У неё есть белое вино.)
Where did he live? ( Где он жил?)
Who did she live with? ( С кем она жила?)
When did they start? ( Когда они начали?)
What did she cook? ( Что она готовила?)
They didn't live in Germany. ( Они не жили в Германии.)
I didn't go to school. ( Я не пошла в школу.)
He didn't see her. ( Он не увидел её.)
She didn't love him. ( Она не любила его.)
1. Where are you going to 2. likes 3. is baking 4. do you watch ; i watch 5. are they doing ; are reading