1.Mike is twelve.
2.His favourite sport is horse riding.
3.He does love horses.
4.The horse race was in Atyrau.
5.Inzhu is thirteen.
6.Her favourite sport is cycling.
7.Altai and Yeren is her cousins.
8.Cycling is very popular on Kazakhstan.
9.Her favourite sport is judo.
Слово yesterday переводится как вчера, tomorrow - это завтра. Их можно не употреблять, ног с ними понятнее, так как это слова-сигналы, то есть, слова, указывающие на время.
I met friends yesterday (past simple) Я встретил друзей вчераI will meet friends tomorrow (future) Я встречу друзей завтраI sent letters to friends yesterdayЯ послал письма друзьям вчераI will send letters to friends tomorrow Я пошлю письма друзьям завтра I spent holidays on Malta Я провел каникулы на МальтеI will spend holidays on Malta Я проведу каникулы на МальтеДля будущих свершений:
Построение предложения настоящего времени: Подлежащие+сказуемое(если 3 лицо единственное число, то добавляем окончание Подлежащие+сказуемое (ставим в 2 форму. Если ее не помним, используем дополнительную литературу)
Choose the correct answer
1. is she? She’s at school.
a) why b) who
Sarah is Mr. Brown’s sister. She i s
c) where d) what
a) his sister b) her sister
They are talking a policeman.
c) our sister d) their sister
a) at b) to
shoes are blue.
c) for d) .
a) ... b) Tom
What’s your brother doing?
c) a d) my
a) I’m reading b) I play football
Peter friends here.
c) he plays d) he’s reading
a) is b) has
How are you? - I’m . . thank you.
c) ‘s d) the
a) good b) very well
What’s his job? -
c) Mrs Brown d) not
a) He’s a teacher. b) She’s actor. c) H e’s listening. d) She’s a secretary
9. How many tables are there in the room? - . .
a) Yes, there are. b) There’s one room.
The plants are the television.
c) There are two. d) No, there aren’t.
a) next to b) at
158 i s
c) between d) to
a) one hundred and fifty eight c) a hundred fifty and eight
b) hundred fifty eight
What time is it? - (9)
d) hundred and fifty eight
a) nine ‘ clock b) nine clocks
Are you coming? -
c) nine hours d) nine o’clock
a) Yes, you are. b) No, I’m.
He’s got a lot of money, ?
c) Yes, I’m. d) No, you aren’t.
a) isn’t it b) isn’t he
Are there . . sandwiches?
c) hasn’t he d) has he
a) some b) any
Ann . . go to school.
c) a d) the
a) does b) doesn’t
I’m coming. Wait f o r
c) always d )
a) me b) . . .
you like tea?
c) you d) us
a) Are b) When c) What d) Do
19. She can’t open the door she hasn’t got any key.
a) because b) why
I . . at home yesterday.
c) why not d) but
a) I’ll b) am
We usually work at six.
c) can be d) was
a) leaves b) leave
Can I have coffee, please?
c) are leaving d) aren’t leaving
a) any b) a lot
Are you all right? -
c) many d) som
2)Horse riding
3)Yes,she does
4)Atyrau horse rice(вроде)
5)13years old
6)from Astana
8)They are Inzhu’s cousins
9)Yes,it is