Honey is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It contains all vitamins of group B, K, E, c provitamin A. Since vitamins are combined with natural mineral salts and biogenic amines, the benefits of them are much higher than synthetic substitutes. Thanks to such a rich composition of honey, the following useful properties of this product can be distinguished: 1. Promotes an increase in the body's immunity; 2. Prevents stomach upsetting and can improve digestion; 3. Calcium helps our bones to be strong
A: Did you try on the green jacket? B: Yes, but it was too small. I'll see if they have it in a larger size.
A: Are you going to take the car tonight? B: No, the cinema is close enough for us to walk.
A: Can you pass me that can of beans from the top shelf? B: Sorry, I can't reach it. I'm not tall enough.
A: Are you still playing basketball this afternoon? B: No, the weather is too wet. We'll have to wait for a better day.
A: Why did Andy quit his job in the office? B: He said it was too repetitive. He was doing the same thing every day.