Определите в следующих примерах различные виды иронии
1. I did not see Strickland for several weeks. I was disgusted with him, and if I had had an opportunity
should have been glad to tell him so, but I saw no object in seeking him out for the purpose.
2. Dick Stroeve flattered himself on his skill in cooking Italian dishes, and I confess that
his spaghetti were very much better than his pictures.
3. His life was a tragedy written in the terms of a knock-about farce.
4. A photograph could not have been more exact than his pictures to look at which you
would have thought that Monet, Manet, and the rest of the Impressionists had never been.
5. She was making money but she could not get over the idea that to earn her living was
somewhat undignified, and she was inclined to remind you that she was a lady by birth.
1. Canada is a large and rich country in North America.
2. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
3. The symbol of the country is a red Maple leaf.
4. On the border with the USA, there is a beautiful Niagara waterfall.
5. There is magnificent nature, and friendly people live in Canada. A lot of them are good at sports.
6. It is situated in the northern and central parts of North America.
7. Canadian English and French are official languages in this country.
8. The most popular cities are Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton, Calgary, Mississauga.
9. The British Queen Elizabeth ll is the head of Canada.
10. Government of Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy:
• Monarch : Elizabeth II
• Governor - General: Julie Payette
• Prime Minister: Justin Trudeau