I really like to read legends, it's very interesting and exciting.Robert Plus was born July 11, 1274 - June 7, 1329) King of Scotland (1306-1329), one of the greatest Scottish monarchs, organizer of the country's defense in the initial period of the War of Independence against England, founder of the Bruce royal dynasty.I really like to read legends, it's very interesting and Most of all I liked the third part of the legend.
Я не знаю правильно это или нет но думаю что это правильно если нет прости
1. Being famous is not as easy as it may seem at first. Celebrities try hard to protect their privacy from paparazzi. Besides, it is important to always look smart, behave well and try not to lose face in front of fans. So, if someone asks me whether I want to became famous or not, I will definitely say no. 2. I think that talented and hardworking people have more chances to become famous. It is also important to have someone who will support and believe in you even if tge rest of the world falls apart. 3. This is a rather hard question to answer. Sometimes this is a question of luck-being in the right place, at right time to catch a chance. In other cases, actors must be wise to choose a right role. When starting a career it is not good to run for money, better to choose roles that fit you, even if it doesn't bring much money. It is important for the actor to show his/her potential, talent. Unfortunately, most of the actors in the pursue for money, spoil their career, get bad reviews and a result end up being unknown. 4.Well, I think that hardwork is a key to success in science too. Great scientist are always crazy about their work, they don't pay attention to other matter, their work does only matter. They become famous because they think differently and patiently examine their thoughts by setting experiments. A real scientist is selfless scientist, the person whose whole life is spent in labarotories. 6. As scientists, sportsmen must work hard and reach success, often with struggle and pain. 6. Everyone can be famous, but not every person is interested in it. There are several ways to become famous. First on is being rich or having a sponsor who will be able to fund your project. Secondly, a person who wants to be famous must be patient and strong (mentally and physically), there will be a lot of difficulties to overcome. Most of the famous people did not expect to become famous one, they just worked hard, doing the job they love
1. How often are the fish fed? - They are fed once a day.
2. When was your school built? - It was built fifteen years ago.
3. Has pizza been brought yet? - No, it is being cooked (made) now.
4. When wiil this road been repaired? - It wil have been repaired by the end of the month.
5. I was told about your visit yesterday.
6. Where is Jack? He is being waited for.
7. Have you ever been taught how to behave?
8. The children had been sent to bed before the film started.
9. Where is Linda? - She is being shown her new room.
10. Something must be done for these people.