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Проблема загрязнения почвы сейчас очень актуальна.В наши дни редко встречаются чистые от мусора места. Мир превращается в свалку мусора. Воздух загрязняется автомобилями и выбросами от промышленности. Вода в реках и морях полна грязи.Чтобы уменьшить загрязнение,нам следует перерабатывать мусор, выбрасывать отходы с мусорные баки, пользоваться чистой энергией. Давайте вместе будем заботиться об окружающей среде. The problem of pollution of the soil is now very actual.Today seldom places, pure from garbage, meet. The world turns into a garbage dump. Air becomes soiled cars and emissions from the industry. Water in the rivers and the seas is full of dirt.To reduce pollution, we should process garbage, to throw out waste about trash cans, to use a net energy. Let's care of environment together.
I don't have a great day at the same time for a great time with you and I don't have a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great day at the same time for a great