Summer - it's my favorite time of the year. Only in the summer you do not need to go to school, and you can do what you are really interested. The first month of the summer, I usually spend in the camp. There we communicate, participate in competitions and have a good time. This year I did not manage to get to the camp, because we are going as a family until August to relatives in the village. Until this summer, we went to him only twice, but I hope to have a good time, and in the village. Not far from the house of our relatives have a great lake, which is going to local youth. Children playing badminton and volleyball, swimming and sunbathing. It is always fun, so I was very angry that the camp is canceled this year. The second half of the summer I will be very busy. At first, my friends and I agreed to go camping overnight. We plan to spend in the woods for a week. Of course, we will go to elders and the father of one of the boys, but we're still glad upcoming event. I like to go camping, because such actions are impregnated with the atmosphere of freedom and joy. At the end of the summer we will go for a week to the sea. There's always nice and warm. We sunbathe, play volleyball together and bury themselves in the sand. However, most of all I like the local streets that wander endlessly. As it is so nice to go - it's fun and reminds me of walking through a huge maze. I'm really looking forward to the summer. Just afraid that will not have time to do all that is planned. I hope that this summer will be as surprising and magical, like the rest.
1. I like theh way you`ve combed your hair. Мне нравится как ты причесывал твои волосы. 2. A long night`s sleep will bring you a lot of good. Долгий ночной сон тебе приносит много хорошего. 3. From school reports parents can see what progress their children are making at school. От школьных грамот родители могут увидеть какой прогресс их дети делают в школе. 4. I liked Andrew and we became friends very soon after we met. Я любил Андрея и мы стали друзьями очень скоро после того как мы встретились. 5. It took us a whole week to visit the main sights of London. Нам понадобилась целая неделя, чтобы посетить главные достопримечательности Лондона. 6. Teaching is not the easiest way to earn money. Преподавание - это не самое легкое, чтобы заработать деньги. 7. Could you do me a favour and do the shopping today? Ты можешь меня выручить и ходить за покупками сегодня? 8. I heard nothing because of the noise the children were making . Я ничего слыхала из-за шума, который дети сделали. 9. How many school subjects are you having this year? Сколько школьных предметов у тебя в этом году? 10. Don`t forget to make your bed before you leave. Не забывай постелиться пока ты уйдешь. 11. It`s my brother`s first year at school; but he`s learning very well. Это первый год моего брата в школе, но он учится очень хорошо. 12. Dentists advice to brush your teeth at least two times a day. Стоматологи советуют чистить зубы дважды в день ( два раза в день ) 13. Do you find it easy to make decisions? Для тебя это легко принимать решения? 14. These are the books I recommended you. Make your choice. Это книги, которые я тебе рекоммедовала. Выбери. 15. Why are you angry? Have I done anything wrong? Почему ты злишься? Я сделала что-то неправильного?
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