Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:
freelancer desk uniform full-time overtime shift salary deadlines pay rise part-time
1. Bob has to travel a lot. A _desk_ job isn’t for him.
2. John works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5. It’s a __full-time__ job.
3. The hours are unpredictable. My father often has to work _overtime__ .
4. My brother doesn’t have to wear a _uniform_ at work.
5. Jim’s father is very well paid. His _salary_ is $ 30,000 a year.
6. Tom’s mother has just got a _pay rise_ . Now she is on $ 1850 a month.
7. They often have to meet tough _deadlines_ but they manage.
8. Ann often works the night _shift_ . It’s tiring but she doesn’t mind.
9. Now that Jenny has children, she works _full-time_ from 4 to 8 every weekday.
10. She works as a _freelancer_ from home.
7 Ex. 7 Put frequency verbs in the right place.
They don't often swim in this river.
My sister always dresses well.
Do you usually attend museums?
1. The boys don't usually hurry home after classes. (usually)
2. I always catch the 8:30 bus. (always)
3. Susan often has to ask for help. (often)
4. Mike very rarely uses the computer. (very rarely)
5. I don't often have eggs for breakfast. (often)
6. Tom seldom enjoys playing the piano. (seldom)
7. Farmers generally pick the apples in autumn. (generally)
8. My neighbour rarely visits me. (rarely)
9. They often complain about the noise coming from the street. (often)
10. I water my cactus very seldom. (very seldom)
там нету предложение где должно быть «are going to»; это 1000% правильно; поставь «лучший ответ