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Correct the sentences if there are any mistakes:
1. This house built 100 years ago. This house was built 100 years ago.
2. Celsius divided the interval between the boiling point and the freezing point
into 100 divisions.
3. Why did the letter send to the wrong address?
4. The Water Cycle is the journey water takes as it is circulated from the land to
the sky and back again. …
5. Where are you born?
6. Water call one of the most remarkable compound in the world. …
7. When was invented the bicycle?
8. Chemical formulas are written in terms of atom and molecules.
9. How many languages are speaking in Switzerland?
10. During the next chemical reaction the number of bonds will be formed or
11. Football plays in most countries of the world.
12. A cinema is a place where films are shown.
13. The laws of the Periodic table is specified that water shall solidify at a
temperature of 100° below 0.
14. A garage is a place where cars repair.
15. The water can be absorbed from the ground by the roots of the plants.
anna akhmatova - was the pen name of anna andreevna gorenko, the leader and the heart and soul of st petersburg tradition of russian poetry in the course of half a century.
akhmatova's work ranges from short lyric poems to universalized, ingeniously structured cycles, such as requiem (1935-40), her tragic masterpiece on the stalinist terror. her work addresses a variety of themes including time and memory, the fate of creative women, and the difficulties of living and writing in the shadow of stalinism.
early life
akhmatova was born in bolshoy fontan near odessa. her childhood does not appear to have been happy; her parents separated in 1905. she was educated in kiev, tsarskoe selo, and the smolny institute of st petersburg. anna started writing poetry at the age of 11, inspired by her favourite poets: racine, pushkin, and baratynsky. as her father did not want to see any verses printed under his "respectable" name, she had to adopt the surname of one of her tatar ancestors as a pseudonym.