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11.08.2022 17:17 •  Английский язык

Read the text and mark the statements True(T), False(F) , Not Stated(NS).

The Debate
Their parents had promised the twins a pet for their twelfth birthdays.
The only limitation was that it had to be a pet. Singular. That meant the twins
had to agree on what kind of pet to get.
Making a Decision
For weeks, Louisa and Duncan researched pets on their own. They
spent hours looking at pet photos online and talking to their friends about the
types of pets they owned. Duncan’s best friend suggested a dog, but his
cousin suggested an iguana. Louisa’s friends told her to get a parrot. The same cousin told her to get an
iguana too.
Finally, each had made a decision. Duncan wanted an iguana, and Louisa decided on a cat. They
both went to their parents with the decision. But their father reminded them of the agreement. They did
not have to convince their parents but each other.
Convincing the Other
The night before they were to go the pet store, the debate began. Duncan opened by stating how
iguanas were easy to care for. Remembering Louisa’s obsession with dinosaurs the summer before,
Duncan suggested that iguanas were basically just smaller dinosaurs.
Louisa countered that iguanas were not fun pets because they did not do anything. A cat, she
argued, could be held and would play with them.
“Of course you would want a cat. All girls want a cat,” Duncan replied.
“That is unfair. None of my girl friends even have cats. They all told me to get a parrot or a dog.”
“Well, all the girls I know at school love cats.”
The Compromise
The debate went on for hours with little progress. Each sibling realized the other would not be
convinced. So Louisa offered a compromise.
“What was your second choice pet?” she asked.
“I guess a dog,” Duncan said.
“Mine too.”
And so they decided to get their second choices. The next day, their birthday, their father
purchased a collie puppy for them.

1.Mum and dad were going to give a pet to each of their twin-children as birthday presents.
2.It had always been Louisa and Duncan’s dream to have a dog.
3.Louisa's best friend had a parrot.
4.The twins’ cousin’s idea of the best pet was an iguana.
5.Lousia was interested in dinosaurs some time earlier.
6.Cats were most popular pets with the girls at the twins’ school.
7.The debate was long and hard.


1. F(сказано, что они должны договориться о том, какое животное они хотят)

2.F(мальчик хочет игуану, а девочка кота)

3. Не знаю, потому написано (Louisa’s friends told her to get a parrot) как бы просто друг, а не лучший. Скорее всего F


5.T ( она интересовалась ими год назад)

6. Ns

7.The debate went on for hours with little progress, они длились час, я бы поставила Ns, ненавижу такие формулировки.

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Last summer Sandu decided to spend his vacation at his cousin’s who lives in the North of Moldova. It was at the beginning of July when he left for the village of Sofia. The weather was fantastic and the surroundings were full of greenery. The beauty of the countryside impressed him very much. When meeting his cousin Lucia at the railway station, he was surprised by her change. It was two years ago when he saw her last. Instead of a short, clumsy child, now there was a different person in front of him: a tall, graceful young girl. He couldn’t help noticing her big blue eyes with long, thick eyelashes and dark eyebrows. Most of all, he liked her long, wavy hair that shone in the sun. She was the sort of person who seemed to attract everybody, especially when she smiled. His aunt’s house wasn’t far from the station, so it didn’t take them long to get there. When they approached the house, his aunt greeted him. Sandu was happy to see her. He stayed at his aunt Maria’s for two weeks. He had a good opportunity to learn a lot of things about life on the farm and make new friends.
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We live in a single family, we sing in a circle, to go into the same ranks, to fly in a single flight. Let's save Daisy in a meadow. Water lilies in the river and cranberries in a swamp. Oh, Mother Nature tolerance and goodness! But that it does not suffer the fate of the valiant. Let's keep on the rod - the sturgeon. Killer whale in the sky, in the taiga wilderness - the tiger. Since we are destined to breathe the air one. Let's unite all of us forever. Let's save our souls together, then we are on the Earth and save yourself! Education of love for their land, to their culture, to their native village or town, the native language - a task of paramount importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to bring that love? It starts small - with love for his family, to his house, to his school. Gradually expanding, this love for the mother goes to the love of their country - its history, its past and present, and then to all humanity, to human culture. Soviet patriotism - an integral part of effective internationalism. When I want to imagine a true internationalist, I imagine myself looking at our planet from outer space. The tiny planet on which we all live, dear to us and so lonely among galaxies, separated by millions of light years! The man lives in a particular environment. Pollution makes him sick, threatens his life, threatens the destruction of mankind. Everybody is aware of the gigantic efforts made by our state, individual countries, scientists, public figures, to save the polluted air, water, sea, rivers, forests and wildlife to safeguard our planet, to save the encampments of migratory birds, breeding grounds of marine animals. Mankind has spent billions and billions of not only not to choke, not to die, but also to maintain that nature around us, which gives people the opportunity to aesthetic and moral rest. The healing power of nature is well known. Science that deals with the protection and restoration of the natural environment is called ecology and as a discipline starts now taught in universities

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