The name of my favorite TV program is “Tonight” (Сегодня вечером). It is presented by the 1st Channel. For your information it’s on schedule at prime time, on Saturday evening; so it is on once a week. As a matter of fact, it’s a talk show, a popular genre of programs in which famous people talk about themselves and their work. Consequently, the main aim of this program is to entertain. I guess TV viewers watch this program to satisfy their curiosity about household names and to relax after a long tiring week. asically, different celebrities are invited to the studio. They may be actors and actresses, singers and musicians. They, as well as their friends, colleges and relatives are honorable guests at the show. There are never heated discussions while this program is on air because no big issues are discussed. The program focuses upon the creative activity and private life of household names. y the way, this program caters for the majority of tastes, so people from all walks of life are attracted by it. Although, the TV viewers relax while watching it, the talk-show broadens our horizons and expends the boundaries of the familiar world. I guess, it’s a high quality program because it’s vigorous and vivid. One anticipates the pleasure from the next episode because one can see the shots from some nice old films or listen to melodious songs- they are the highlights of this program. Obviously, the audience rating of the program is really high because the themes of this program are exciting for lots of viewers. That’s all I wanted to tell you about my favorite TV program.
They aren't working in the garden now
Mother isn't having dinner now
Granny isn't sleeping now
I amn't(ain't) listening to the radio now
The boys aren't making noise now