Mesopotamia, ancient civilization. Mesopotamia - a country where there was the world's oldest civilization, which lasted approx. 25 centuries, starting with the establishment of the script and ending with the conquest of Babylon by the Persians in 539 BC
Geographical location.
"Mesopotamia" - means "land between the rivers" (between the Euphrates and the Tigris). Now under Mesopotamia refers primarily to the valley in the lower reaches of these rivers, and adds to it the land east of the Tigris and the west of the Euphrates. In general, this region coincides with the territory of present-day Iraq, except for mountainous regions along the borders of this country with Iran and Turkey.
Most of the elongated valley, especially the whole Lower Mesopotamia, for a long time covered with sediments brought by the two rivers from Armenia. Over time, the fertile alluvial soil began to attract people from other regions. For a long time have learned to compensate for the poor cultivators precipitation creation of irrigation facilities. The lack of stone and wood boosted trade with the lands rich in these natural resources. Tigris and Euphrates proved convenient waterway, connects the Persian Gulf with Anatolia and the Mediterranean. Geographical location and natural conditions allowed the valley to become the center of attraction of people and the area of trade.
Like I usually do at sunny weekends, one day I was reading a book in the park. I was surprised to hear a familiar voice . I closed the book and looked around but didn't see anyone I know. I was so confused that I decided to take a walk and in the picnic area I saw an old friend of mine Katrina was sitting with a laptop, I came nearer and greeted her. We spend all day together and were glad to meet each other by chance after so many years. A few weeks later we started going out together. Oh, I see we are now married and have a little baby. We thank God for that day in the park.
Mesopotamia, ancient civilization. Mesopotamia - a country where there was the world's oldest civilization, which lasted approx. 25 centuries, starting with the establishment of the script and ending with the conquest of Babylon by the Persians in 539 BC
Geographical location.
"Mesopotamia" - means "land between the rivers" (between the Euphrates and the Tigris). Now under Mesopotamia refers primarily to the valley in the lower reaches of these rivers, and adds to it the land east of the Tigris and the west of the Euphrates. In general, this region coincides with the territory of present-day Iraq, except for mountainous regions along the borders of this country with Iran and Turkey.
Most of the elongated valley, especially the whole Lower Mesopotamia, for a long time covered with sediments brought by the two rivers from Armenia. Over time, the fertile alluvial soil began to attract people from other regions. For a long time have learned to compensate for the poor cultivators precipitation creation of irrigation facilities. The lack of stone and wood boosted trade with the lands rich in these natural resources. Tigris and Euphrates proved convenient waterway, connects the Persian Gulf with Anatolia and the Mediterranean. Geographical location and natural conditions allowed the valley to become the center of attraction of people and the area of trade.