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1. On the weather forecast last night they said: it will rain all night.
2. When i was young my father told me: you can be anything you want.
3. They said on the news this morning: fifty-six people have been killed in a train crash.
4. I have just been reading an article in Computer Monthly which said: People in Brazil use the internet more than anyone.
5. My ex-boyfriend sent me a letter saying: i have just got married.
6. Wayne Rider, the new tennis star, said: when he was young i practised eight hours every day.
1. On the weather forecast last night they said that it would rain all night.
2. When I was young my father told me that I could be anything I wanted.
3. They said on the news this morning that fifty-six people have been killed in a train crash.
4. I have just been reading an article in Computer Monthly which said that people in Brazil use the Internet more than anyone.
5. My ex-boyfriend sent me a letter saying that he had just got married.
6. Wayne Rider, the new tennis star, said that when he was young he practised eight hours every day.
1.On the weather forecast last night they said that it would rain all night.
2.When i was young my father told me that I could be anything I wanted.
3.They said on the news this morning that fifty-six people had been killed in a train crash.
4.I have just been reading an article in Computer Monthly which said that People in Brazil used the internet more than anyone.
5.My ex-boyfriend sent me a letter saying that he had got married.
6. Wayne Rider, the new tennis star, said that when he was young he had practised eight hours every day.
2. You should go to the dentist.
3. Really, he is still asleep?
4. I can fix your car.
5. We have to come home at 5 o’clock.