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Составьте 10-15 предложений на про особенности получения высшего образования в британии


Education after 16 is voluntary in the United Kingdom.

British universities are self-governing and are guaranteed academic independence.

Many of  the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge universities were founded in the 12th and 13th centuries. All other universities in Britain were founded in 19th and 20th centuries.

Nowadays there are more than forty universities in Britain, of which 36 are in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 in Northern Ireland and 1 in Wales.

British Universities are private institutions. Every university is independent, autonomous and responsible only to its own governing council.

The number and type of faculties differ from university to university. Each university decides each year how many students it supposes to admit. The admission to universities is by examination or selection (interviews). The students receive grant. The have to pay fees and living costs but every student may receive from the local authority of the place where he lives personal grant which is enough to pay lodging and food – unless his parents are rich.

Students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study get Bachelor’s degree. The first postgraduate degree is normally that of Master conferred for a thesis based at least one year’s fulltime work. Universities are centres of   research and many postgraduates are engaged in research for higher degree, usually Doctorates.

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My Childhood Моё детство
In my opinion, childhood should be the happiest time in every person’s life. My childhood was happy and memorable. I remember almost every event from that time. Sometimes I wish I could turn back the time and stay there a little but more. It was the world of fairy-tales and magic. My parents did their best to make me feel happy. My dad would always take me to the Amusement Park, buy me sweets and ice-cream. My mum used to read me bedtime stories and play different games with me. At that time we lived with my grandparents. They also spent lots of time with me. My grandpa, for example, took me once fishing with him. That was fun. My grandma cooked amazing dishes. I especially liked her ginger cookies. As we lived in a large two-storey house with a garden, we kept a lot of domestic animals. We had a large German shepherd, two cats, a parrot and lots of chicken. As far as I remember, the parrot was the funniest of all. It could copy everything that was said around and it certainly sounded funny. Our garden was always full of flowers in spring and summer time. We also had some apple and cherry trees. A little later, when I turned four, my brother was born. I liked him very much and helped my mother in every way. I played with him, fed him, sang songs for him. I was quite happy. From now on we took him everywhere with us. We often went for a walk in the nearest park or visited our relatives. It was a magic time full of surprises and presents. One Christmas Santa brought me a sewing machine of my dreams and a toy car for my brother. I think this moment will stay forever in my memory. На мой взгляд, детство должно быть самым счастливым временем в жизни каждого человека. Мое детство было счастливым и запоминающимся. Я помню почти каждое событие из того времени. Иногда мне хочется повернуть время вспять и остаться там ещё чуть-чуть. Это был мир, полный сказок и волшебства. Мои родители делали многое, чтобы я чувствовала себя счастливой. Мой отец всегда брал меня в парк аттракционов, покупал мне конфеты и мороженое. Моя мама читала мне сказки на ночь и играла со мной в различные игры. В то время мы жили с бабушкой и дедушкой. Они также проводили много времени со мной. Мой дедушка, например, один раз взял меня с ним на рыбалку. Это было весело. Моя бабушка готовила удивительные блюда. Мне особенно нравилась её имбирные печенья. Так как мы жили в большом двухэтажном доме с садом, мы держали много домашних животных. У нас была большая немецкая овчарка, две кошки, попугай и много куриц. Насколько я помню, попугай был из всех самым забавным. Он мог копировать все, что говорилось вокруг, и это, конечно, звучало смешно. Наш сад был всегда полон цветов весной и летом. У нас также было несколько яблоневых и вишнёвых деревьев. Чуть позже, когда мне исполнилось четыре года, родился мой брат. Я его очень любила и всячески маме. Я играла с ним, кормила его, пела для него песни. Я был довольно счастлива. Отныне мы его повсюду брали с собой. Мы часто ходили на прогулку в ближайший парк или посещали наших родственников. Это было волшебное время полное сюрпризов и подарков. Однажды на Рождество Санта принес мне швейную машину моей мечты и игрушечный автомобиль для моего брата. Я думаю, этот момент навсегда останется в моей памяти.
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I am a student. Every day I have to visit classes and do my homework. I work hard to achieve my aim. I want to become a teacher of biology. Sometimes I get tired and need a good rest. Then I meet my friends and we have a lot of fun. But the best me to rest is my summer holidays. When summer comes, I can meet my friends every day. I can visit my relatives more often. We may talk for hours, discuss our family life and plans for future

I have a lot of hobbies. They are music, nature and communication. In summer I have more time for my favourite music and may listen to it for hours. Almost every summer I spend in the village, where my parents live. I try to help my parents with the house work and spend with them my free time. In my native village I have a lot of friends. With some of them we studied at the same school and still have common interests and hobbies. In the evening we gather together, go for a walk or organize a party.

When I am in the village, I like to observe the life of animal and plants. It is (amazing,interesting и то и то по грамматической части подходит но скорее всего interesting) and useful for me. And when I spend time with my friends, we usually go to the river, lie in the sun, do sports and have a lot of fun. After my summer holidays I am full of energy and desire to study further.

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