Last week, Christine realised she was bored of watching television every evening and feeling tired all the time so she asked her friend Emma what (1) COULD SHE DO / SHE COULD DO to keep fit. Emma is a fitness instructor and a dietican. Emma advisrd Christine (2) DO / TO DO something more active in her spare time such as going to a gym. Christine said that she didn't like going to the gym and she wondered (3) IF THERE WAS / IF THERE IS something more interesting that she could do. Emma suggested a dance class or an aerobics class. Christine agreed that (4) THIS IS / THAT WAS a great idea and decided to join a salsa class. Emma told her (5) NOT TO OVERDO / NOT OVERDOING it in the beginning as this could lead to injuries. Emma also said that Christine (6) SHOULD TRY / SHOULD HAVE TRIED doing something like yoga, which is good for relaxation. Christine also wanted to know how (7) COULD SHE / SHE COULD improve her diet. Emma told her that she (8) HAD / HAS HAD to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. However, Christine complained that she (9) DISLIKED / HAD DISLAKED eating vegetables and asked (10) IF EMMA TO KNEW / IF EMMA TO KNOW any interesting ways of cooking vegetables to make them tastier. Emma suggested a recipe book that she often used. Christine thanked her friend for all her good advice and asked her whether (11) WOULD SHE LIKE / SHE WOULD LIKE to come round to her house for a nice healthy meal. Emma agreed and said she (12) WOULD BRING / HAD BRING the recipe book with her.
I like horse. they very beautiful and kind. they come in many different breeds and colors, pets, and wild.No I prefer white horse.Me would like to have the.With home contents are the basis of the diet horse oats and hay. Also horses are happy to eat fruits such as apples.It is very interesting animals. they can skate carry gruz. In old days when there were no cars, people used horses.
"Моё любимоё животное" Мне нравятся лошади.Они очень красивые и добрые. они бывают различных пород и цветов,домашнии и дикие.Но мне больше нравятся белые лошади.Мне бы хотелось иметь такую. При домашнем содержании основой рациона лошади являются овес и сено. Также лошади с удовольствием едят фрукты, например, яблоки. Это очень интересное животное.На них можно кататься,перевозить груз.В старые времена,когда не было машин люди использовали лошадей.