Выбери правильный ответ .Обращай особое внимание на знаки препинания в прямой речи.
1. I’m waiting John said
‘I’m waiting;’ John said.
‘I’m waiting,’ John said.
‘I’m waiting.’ John said.
2. don’t worry I’ll let you know he said
‘Don’t worry, I’ll let you know.’ He said.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll let you know,’ - he said.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll let you know,’ he said.
3. I like to read good books said Jill
‘I like to read good books,’ said Jill!
‘I like to read good books’! said Jill.
‘I like to read good books!’ said Jill
In Russia, the New Year should be ready. Usually people buy a lot of food and champagne. They also buy pitardy and fireworks in the new year because without them no where. All of the old year, waiting until the clock probyut 12. Then all the people make a wish and drink champagne. The new year is not without obaytis dishes: herring under a fur coat Olivier duck and other dishes. Children in the new year get a lot of gifts: game consoles computers, and more.