Надо очень Переделайте предложения в страдательный залог:
Tom read the book.
People grew this coffee in Brasil.
They built a new cinema in Anzhero-Sudzhensk last year.
My father washed the car yesterday.
2. Сделайте предложение отрицательным (+not):
The floor was cleaned last night.
3. Сделайте предложения во
2) There wasn't a telex on the table. Was there a telex on the table?
3) There aren't students there. Are there students there?
4) There weren't forks on the table. Were there forks on the table?
5) There aren't telexes on the desk. Are there telexes on the desk?
6) There weren't women in the room. Were there women in the room?
7) There aren't fifty children at the nursery-school. Are there fifty children at the nursery-school?