A wise mother-cat and her two little kittens live in an old grey house. They live upstairs in an small bedroom. They sleep on a warm comfortable carpet in the middle of the room. Every morning the two kittens get up, brush their tails, wash their faces and go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast. They usually have milk and porridge for breakfast.
After breakfast they wash their cups, glasses and plates and go to the Cats’ Primary School. They take their school bags with pens, pencils, rulers and books. They are very clever, but they don’t like to go to school because they are a bit lazy. They don’t like to study foreign languages.
One day, the mother-cat and her kittens went for a walk to the park. Suddenly, they saw a dog. The big dog was in front of them. The kittens were scared and began to cry. The dog looked at them and said:” G!”
At that moment, the mother-cat opened her mouth and said: “G!” The dog answered: ’’G!” and ran away. Then, the wise old cat turned to her kittens and said: “Now, you understand how important it is to know a foreign language.”
Мудрая кошка-мать и два ее маленьких котенка живут в старом сером доме. Они живут наверху в маленькой спальне. Они спят на теплом удобном коврике посреди комнаты. Каждое утро два котенка встают, чистят хвостики, моют лица и спускаются на кухню, чтобы позавтракать. Обычно они завтракают молоком и кашей.
После завтрака они моют свои чашки, стаканы и тарелки и идут в кошачью начальную школу. Они берут школьные сумки с ручками, карандашами, линейками и книгами. Они очень умные, но не любят ходить в школу, потому что немного ленивы. Они не любят изучать иностранные языки.
Однажды мама и котята пошли гулять в парк. Внезапно они увидели собаку. Большая собака стояла перед ними. Котята испугались и начали плакать. Собака посмотрела на них и сказала: «Г!»
В этот момент кошка-мать открыла рот и сказала: «Гррр!» Собака ответила: «Гррр!» И убежала. Затем мудрая старая кошка повернулась к котятам и сказала: «Теперь вы понимаете, как важно знать иностранный язык».
a dangerous sport like wrestling 4) this house is as tall as the 5) today the river is not so warm as yesterday 6) You're not as smart as dad 7 )India is not as big as China 8) the Thames is as beautiful as the Neva 9)his grandmother was not as old as grandpa 10)apples are as tasty as plums, but not as tasty as pears 11)Russian Museum is same rich as the Hermitage 12)Derzhavin is not so famous as Pushkin 13) the river is not so long as the Volga 14) last year August was as hot as July 15) is not as old as I am 16)she is like the grandmother I 17), his car is as convenient and comfortable 18)exam was not so trudnyi as we expected 19) he is as powerful as his brother is 20 this compute not as expensive as I expected 21 her son is as polite as she is 22 this work is as interesting as yours.