Every time of the year to give us many wonderful days, any of which are good and remarkable in his own way. Winter day is a fresh frosty air, fun games in the yard with friends, suminagashi new year holidays. Day spring is the awakening of nature from hibernation, renewal of the environment. Autumn day – a farewell to warm at times, preparing to meet the cold. And in my story I want to tell you about a summer day, because, I think, almost every person summer is favorite time of year. We went there as a family, to help grandma and grandpa. Sometimes I stayed in the village overnight. And when he returned home, visited friends and went with them to walk. Then came the sultry beach time. My sister and I almost daily went to the beach where swimming and sunbathing. Alas... the Summer has passed very quickly! And already again it is time to school.
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The Head of the Russian Federation is The President. Executive power in the Russian Federation is exercised by The Government of the Russian Federation, the main organ of which is the Council of ministers. The Head of the Council of ministers is the Prime Minister. The official name of the Russian Parliament is The Federal Assembly. It consists of the Federation Council, which is the upper house, and the State Duma, which is the lower house. The Head of the Federation Council is The Chairman of the Federation Council. The Head of the State Duma is the Chairman of the State Duma.
не надо
It often snows in winter.
Look! It is raining in the street!
The weather is rainy.
It is windy and wet today.
It was cloudy yesterday.
I think it is going to be warmer tomorrow.
The temperature is 2 degrees below zero.
The temperature is 25 degrees above zero.
It’s windy today