Написать историю по плану (на английском) : 1)When/Where did the start? Who was/were the main characters? 2-3)What happened?(events in sequence and the climax event) 4)What happened in the end? How did you feel?
1. science is knowledge about the world based on examining, testing, proving facts. 2. technology is new machines, equipment, and ways of doing things that are based on modern knowledge about science and computers. 3. yes, they are. technology is continuation of science. 4. - i think all technology isn't based on science. 5. - there are some modern technologies that depend heavily on science, for example nuclear power production and space travel. 6. - industrial technology began about 200 years ago. 7. - the steam engine was invented in 1698. 8. thomas savery invented it. 9. radio was invented in 1895. 10. the radio was invented by guglielmo marconi. 11. - television was invented in 1927. 12. the television was invented by philo taylor farnsworth. 13. the telephone was invented in 1876. 14. the telephone was invented by alexander graham bell. 15. the first car was invented in 1886. 16. the first digital computer was invented in the 1930s 17. - the first digital computer was invented by john vincent atanasoff. 18. - i know many famous scientists among them c. darwin and n. tesla. 19. one of the most famous inventors for me is t. edison. 20. i'm interested in engineering. it's complicated and i like it.
a country – страна
grandparents – дедушка и бабушка
to celebrate – праздновать
a leg – нога
eyes – глаза
a dress – платье
shoes – туфли
spring – весна
June – Июнь
a station – станция/вокзал
1. fourteen – 14
2. twenty-nine –29
3. seventy –70
4. sixty-four –64
5. eleven –11
6. eighty-seven –87
7. fifty –50
8. twelve –12
9. one hundred –100
10. forty-one –41
1. My dog is funny.
2. Mike is my friend.
3. I am from America.
4. The cats are black.
5. We are at home.
Задание 4. Поставь глаголы в время.
1. cook –cooked
2. wash –washed
3. make –made
4. swim –swam
5. decorate –decorated
Задание 5. Выбери и обведи нужное слово.
1. Does Mary make the bed every day?
2. My father gathered apples yesterday.
3. She often cooks tasty meals.
4. What games did you play yesterday.
5. She doesn’t clean the car