1-the shepherd's sheep die
2-the farmer gave the shepherd some land
3-the shepherd found a pot of gold coins
4-the farmer and the shepherd argued
5-they asked a wise man for device
6-the student travelled to the city
7-the student met some merchants
I think the student bought the best seeds which soon grew into a large garden of various fruit trees that fed all the hungry people of the city
Я думаю студент купил лучшие семена вскоре из которых вырос большой сад из разных фруктовых деревьев накормивший всех голодных людей города
2. I will sunbathe on the beach in the summer of
3. She does not want to go with you
4 He will open the window for a break
5. Will you go home for a weekend?
6 Will she go to the hospital?
7 Do not you buy a car?
8 Will you go away forever?
9 Will you not dine?
10 I will not listen to music
11. You will eat your cake?
12. I will not wear a sweater in the spring
13 Will you go to the theater with your parents?
14. I'll find a lesson for the holidays
15. I'll make sketches tomorrow
16. I'll pour water into the pool in the morning
17 I'll do homework in the evening
18 He'll fly to Germany in the summer of
19. I'll buy sweets for the kids.
20. he will decide the issue next week