May 9 is Victory Day. On this day, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought. They were not afraid of death, they suffered hunger, cold and pain. They fought for 4 years for our land. This war ended on May 9, we and our parents go to the square to put carnations, lilacs. These dead will be remembered in our memory.
9 мая - День Победы. В этот день наши деды и прадеды отважно сражались. Они не боялись смерти, они страдали от голода, холода и боли. Они сражались 4 года за нашу землю. Эта война закончилась 9 мая, мы с родителями идем на площадь, чтобы поставить гвоздики, сирень. Эти мертвые будут помнить в нашей памяти
Imagine You're an Astronaut
Astronauts on the International Space Station, or ISS, often spend six to 12 months in space, orbiting Earth. It can be a little cramped staying inside the space station all that time. Astronauts still need to do their everyday living, such as working, eating, relaxing and exercising, but with fewer resources than they have on Earth.
Imagine you and your family are astronauts on the space station right now. You can only use the resources available to you. How would you adapt to the challenges and still keep doing important routines, like exercising, learning and making time for fun?
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Task 1. Определите залог в ниже приведенных предложениях. Буква A – действительный залог, буква P – страдательный залог.
ответы на задание 1 впишите в данную графу. В ответах указываете толькобукву A ( залог), букву P (страдательный залог).
•1. I'm paid twice a month. P (страдательный залог)
•2. She opened the door. A (действительный залог)
•3. Renault cars are made in France. P (страдательный залог)
*4. Are any classes taught at weekends? P (страдательный залог)
*5. Do you study at weekends? A (действительный залог)
*6. The policeman helped us. A (действительный залог)
*7. We were helped by the policeman. P (страдательный залог)
•8. The President was photographed by the joumalists. P (страдательный залог)
•9. The journalists photographed the President. A (действительный залог)
•10. The Discovery Civilization channel is watched by millions of people. P (страдательный залог)