1would he like an apple? what would he like? 2does she buy a lot of apples? why does she by them? 3does he play in the park? where does he play? 4do they dance on friday? when do they dance? 5do they go to the zoo? where do they go?
1are/ we/ - 2like/ have got/ the/ are 3ducks/ the/ like 4has got/ the/ likes 5cakes/they
1crocodiles aren`t funny (для удобства дольше я буду писать вместо crocodiles с) 2c can`t fly 3c mustn`t drink milk 4c haven`t got little teeth 5The pupil hasn`got c 6tigers don`t like tomatos 7c don`t live in russia 8pigs don`t drink coffee
1i can`t (can not) play here 2they can`t swim 3can i swim? 4can i play here? 5you can play here
1must... he must 2если вы имели ввиду нравится ли ему эта ручка, то does... he does если же то же, что и в первом, то как синоним слову must (в значении обязательно нужно) можно использовать may (можно, нужно) или can (можно ли, могу ли)
1. The strawberries are grown every year.
2. Ten short comedy films will be produced by this famous director in four years.
3. So many newspapers won't be bought in the near future.
4. The report has already been prepared.
5. The traffic laws must be respected by everyone.
6. Our working places are being invaded by technology.
7. Several candidates were called for a second interview.
8. A Christmas postcard has been sent by him.
9. A delicious cake is being baked by my Grandma.
10. English is spoken by South Africans.