ответ:On the one hand, there are numerous stunning benefits of profession such as doctors, engineer and teacher. These include enchanced honour, inequality and respect each other. Firstly, there is no any doubt that students and people more than trust to do teachers or doctor and give to respect as compared to other profession. Moreover, now in this era teacher huge impact on student life to owing they also teach the good lesson include society and personal life and which are more helpful for learner, with they achieve the own goal ambition through tutor lesson. In addition, doctor like a god because they protect to the human life without any trouble.if they are not very affluent and rich then, they never keep the difference in society for this reason authority or people must be give pay more money as opposed to the film star.
On the other hand, there are couple of drawbacks in both profession of comedian and superstar. Secondly, in moder world to doing the job more stressed and hard work specifically entertainment and film industry. Furthermore, celebrity people also expand the violence in public spot with which their fans give more attention and attract toward bad things. All in all, they not teach the good lesson and help to the community. However, tutor and physician also more opine and concerned about society and give to the donation, free books for poor people and so on.
In concluded, it can be seen that whereas the all fields has brought over than advantages like away the financial nuisance and they lives to the luxurious life.
1. Who is your favorite sportsperson?
1. Кто твой любимый спортсмен?
1. My favorite sports man is Lionel Messi .He is an Argentina footballer. He was born on June 24,1987,in Rosario,Argentina. He is the best in the world without any doubt and for me the history of football. His full name is Lionel Andres Messi Cuccitini. He plays for Barcelona and the Argentina national team as a forward. Messi is also known as God of football .He is the captain of his country's national football team. I have never seen anyone like Leo Messi so that,the world says “He is a miracle from God”. He won Best player award on 2014 FIFA World Cup.
1. Мой любимый спортивный человек-Лионель Месси .Он-аргентинский футболист. Он родился 24 июня 1987 года в городе Росарио,Аргентина. Он лучший в мире без всяких сомнений и для меня история футбола. Его полное имя-Лионель Андрес Месси Куччитини. Он играет за "Барселону" и сборную Аргентины в качестве нападающего. Месси также известен как бог футбола .Он является капитаном национальной футбольной команды своей страны. Я никогда не видел никого, подобного Лео Месси, так что мир говорит:”он-чудо от Бога". Он выиграл приз лучшему игроку чемпионата мира по футболу 2014 года.