Ex. 2. Find the synonyms:
predominant - uppermost
to permeate - to penetrate
cupola - dome
rigid - hard
perforation - puncture
roof ridge - ridgepole
covering - roof
leak - trickle
Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian the following words and word-combinations.
an uppermost layer - верхний уровень
a covering of the roof - кровля
a slope of the roof - склон крыши
a sloped roof - скатная крыша
a flat roof - плоская крыша
a gabled roof - остроконечная крыша
a roof ridge - конёк крыши
a house drain - водосток в доме
acid precipitation - кислотные осадки
an inclination of the roof - наклон крыши
a variable inclination - переменный наклон
to tend to the same conclusion - склоняться к тому же заключению
an air leak - утечка воздуха
a heat leak - утечка тепла
a moisture trap - ловушка для влаги
a rigid support for a tent - жесткая опора для тента
wooden shingles - деревянная черепица
metal shingles - металлическая черепица
a roofing slate - шифер
1) Modern operating systems control usage
system equipment, such as a printer and mouse.
2) From a user perspective, PC-DOS and MS-DOS operating systems
identical, with equal capabilities and a set of system commands.
3) OS / 2 is a DOS-compatible operating system that allows
run programs using the graphical user interface.
4) Additional programs for working with system devices
the equipment was very complex and absorbed a lot of time.
5) The operating system also allows you to run programs such as
simple text editor.
6) DOS - the most common operating system for personal
a computer.
Questions for group discussion:
1) Why do you think Bill Gates, President of Microsoft Company is one of the richest
people on the earth?
2) Ask the students in your group who have experience working with Windows 2003
and Windows 2010 about the advantages and disadvantages of these operational
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