C Put the verbs in these news reports into the correct form, active or passive.
Scientists (are discovering) new things all the time. For instance, recently, in the Amazon rainforest, a new species of plant (have been discovered).
Famous actor, John Fitzgibbon, 29, (was seen) arriving very late for his wedding on Saturday. The bride, local singer Brooke Jones, 23, (says) she was not worried
and that he was always late!
Two people (were rescued) from a burning house late last night. Firemen (say) the
fire started in the kitchen.
Local celebrities, Rachel White and Robert Brown, will (get married) in St John's church
this Saturday. The happy couple (say) they are expecting 500 guests at the wedding.
Привет. Меня зовут Джилл. У меня нет собственной комнаты. Я делю её с моим братом. Наша комната милая(хорошая) и огромная. Здесь… два стола рядом с окном. Здесь... Компьютер на столе Джима. У меня есть мой собственный плеер на моем столе. Здесь… лампа между нашими столами. Конечно, здесь… две кровати в нашей комнате.каждую ночь Мы ложимся спать в 10 часов. Но каждое утро мы должны идти а школу и мама будит нас. Здесь... Большой ковёр на полу. Здесь..много книг на полках. Мы любим сидеть на ковре и читать интересные книги. Ты можешь увидеть много постеров(плакатов) на стене. Джим собирает их. Я люблю плюшевых мишек. Ты можешь видеть их на полках, на столе и на полу. Ты можешь увидеть моего плюшевого пушку на wardrobe тоже. Нам нравится наша комната.
A wood spoon - деревянная ложка a metal stick - металлическая палочка a wool scarf - шерстяной шарф a glass figure - стеклянная фигурка a paper plane - бумажный самолетик a cardboard box - картонная коробка a leather strap - кожаный ремешок a plastic glass - пластиковый стаканчик
Spoons are made of wood. This glass is made of plastic. This strap is made of leather. This box is made of cardboard. This plane is made of paper. This figure is made of glass. This scarf is made of wool. These sticks are made of metal.
C Put the verbs in these news reports into the correct form, active or passive.
Scientists (are discovering) new things all the time. For instance, recently, in the Amazon rainforest, a new species of plant (have been discovered).
Famous actor, John Fitzgibbon, 29, (was seen) arriving very late for his wedding on Saturday. The bride, local singer Brooke Jones, 23, (says) she was not worried
and that he was always late!
Two people (were rescued) from a burning house late last night. Firemen (say) the
fire started in the kitchen.
Local celebrities, Rachel White and Robert Brown, will (get married) in St John's church
this Saturday. The happy couple (say) they are expecting 500 guests at the wedding.