Device, storage, entrance,input, instruction,data,detali,memory,tool,unit,chance,machine,component,informatiion. Составьте пары или группы близких по значению слов! (из этих слов)
I am reading now, He is sleeping now. We are drinking now. They are going to school now. I am not sleeping now.She isn't drimking coffee now.I read every day.He sleep every night.We drink tea every morning.They go to school every morning.I don't sleep in the daytime. She don't drink coffee after lunch. We aren't watching TV now. They aren't eat now. My mother isn't working now. Are you working now? Is he playing now? Are they eating now? Is your sister resting now? What doing you now? What you reading now? What they eating now? What your brother drinking now? We don't watch TV in the morning.
1. l am... 2. my father is... 3. Trixie and sushi are... 4. the hamster is... 5. l am... 6. my green pencil is... 7. Emma and Betty are... 8. are you... 9. his sister is... 10. we are... 11. my mother is... 12. the pupils are... 13. maria's grandmother is... 14. l am... 15. it is... 16. they are... 17. his pencil case is... 18. are you... 19. l am not... 20. we are here. Peter B is from John are...London are Hamburg is...Sandra is... Peter are... they are... Baker are... she is...grandmother is...l am...what time is is 8... are you tired... l am not