Sample: You can't walk with a dog in the park.
alk with a dog in the park
food from different countries
a) walk wit
b) eat food from
c) travel by trolleybus
et people from different countries
e) travel by taxi
go to a cafe without parents
c) ride a bicycle without a helmet
h) go swimming to the river
1) find a taxi easily
b) Compare your sentences with a partner.
1. __The_ Bermuda Triangle is located in __the_ Atlantic Ocean.
2. ___ Lake Superior is the largest of ___ Great Lakes.
3. In _the__ Atlantic Ocean, _the__ American Mediterranean Sea is the combination of
the seas of __thr_ Gulf of Mexico and __thr_ Caribbean Sea.
4. The country I liked most of all was ___ Italy.
5. Next year I want to visit South America and to Buenos Aires in
6. ___ Island of Madeira is historically Portuguese territory.
7. ___ Borneo is situated in the waters of __the South China Sea.
8. __the_ Himalayas include more than a hundred mountains exceeding 7,200 metres.
9. ___ Europe is bordered towards the north by __the__ Arctic Ocean, towards _the__
south by _the__ Mediterranean Sea and __the_ Black Sea, towards __the_ west by _the__
Atlantic Ocean and _the__ east by ___ Asia.
10. __the_ Urals divide ___Asia and ___Europe.
Task 3: Use the verbs in the Past Simple or Present Perfect/Present Perfect
1. I (liked him when I was at school.
2. He (has been living in New York since 2001.
3. I have not seen Pete last night.
4. I (looked for) this book yesterday.
5. I have been watching this movie for about 2 hours.
Task 4: Use must/mustn’t, may, can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, need/needn’t.
1. Students _mustn't__ leave the classroom before the ring bells.
2. You __should_ brush your teeth in the morning.
3. can___ you pass my pencil to me?
4. You've been driving all day. You __must be exhausted!
5. You ___shouldn't smoke so much. It's bad for your health!
6. I know he speaks five languages, but ___can he speak Arabic?
7. I'm on my way. I __may/must be there in about 10 minutes.
8. I __can't afford that.
9. This ___can be dangerous if you don't have the right equipment.
10. You __shouldn't yell at your parents. It's not nice.
Task 5: Fill in the gaps with the reflexive pronouns.
1. Forget it! I’ll do it __myself___ .
2. She burnt __herself___ on the oven yesterday.
3. He talks to __himself___ all the time. It doesn’t mean he’s crazy.
4. We all enjoyed __ourselves___ very much on the picnic.
5. The protesters locked __themselves___ in the church and refused to come out.
6. Your sister is very busy, so you’ll have to do this task by __yourself___ .
Task 6: Circle the correct answer.
1. The UK is divided into four parts:
g) England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales
2. The flag of the UK is called:
e) Union Jack
3. Choose the right capital of each part of the UK:
e) English capital London
f) Scottish capital Edinburgh
g) Welsh capital cardiff
h) Irish capital Belfast
4. Choose the right symbol for each part of the UK:
e) English symbol red rose) thistle
f) Scottish symbol thistle
g) Welsh symbol leel
h) Irish symbol shamrock
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5. The war for the throne between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists is known as:
h) the War of the Red and White Rose
6. This war lasted for:
h) 30 years
7. What is the capital of the USA:
g) Washington
8. What is the name of the American flag:
g) Stars and Stripes
9. How many states are there in the USA:
f) 50
10. How many stripes are the on the American flag:
e) 13