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29.02.2020 21:36 •  Английский язык

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1. __ BermudaTriangle is located in ___ Atlantic Ocean.
2. The longest river of the world is ___ Nile River.
3. The lowest lake of the world is ___ Dead Sea, the deepest lake is ___ Lake Baikal, the longest lake is ___ Tanganyika.
4. ___ Lake Superior is the largest of ___ Great Lakes.
5. In ___ Atlantic Ocean, ___ American Mediterranean Sea is the combination of the seas of ___ Gulf of Mexico and ___ Caribbean Sea.
6. ___ Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world. ___Tugela Falls is the world’s second tallest. Europe’s highest waterfall is ___ Utigard in Norway.
7. During our unforgettable tour across ___ Europe we visited many countries: ___ France, ___ Belgium and Netherlands in ___ Western Europe; ___ Spain and ___ Italy in ___Southern Europe; ___ Poland and ___Belarus in ___ Eastern Europe.
8. The country I liked most of all was ___ amazing Italy. I got to know much about its history and culture. During the numerous excursions, I learned that ___ Medieval Italy was a real center of art.
9. The capital city of ___ Italy is ___Rome. It is a city that is full of history. Walking in its streets you can easily imagine ___ Rome of ancient times, because there are a lot of historical evidence of those times.
10. ___ Rome of today is a modern beautiful city with charming and hospitable inhabitants and a lot of tourists that are eager to do the sightseeing and to visit ___ Vatican.
11. Next year I want to visit South America and to Buenos Aires in Argentine.

1. The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean.
Explanation: The article "The" is used because the Bermuda Triangle refers to a specific location, and "Atlantic Ocean" is a proper noun and therefore does not require an article. Translation: Треугольник Бермудских островов находится в Атлантическом океане.

2. The longest river in the world is the Nile River.
Explanation: The article "The" is used because "Nile River" refers to a specific river. Translation: Самая длинная река в мире - река Нил.

3. The lowest lake in the world is the Dead Sea, the deepest lake is Lake Baikal, the longest lake is Tanganyika.
Explanation: The articles "The" are used because "Dead Sea," "Lake Baikal," and "Tanganyika" refer to specific lakes. Translation: Самое низкое озеро в мире - Мертвое море, самое глубокое озеро - озеро Байкал, самое длинное озеро - Танганьика.

4. Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes.
Explanation: The article "The" is used because "Lake Superior" refers to a specific lake, and "Great Lakes" is a proper noun and therefore does not require an article. Translation: Озеро Супериор является самым большим из Великих озер.

5. In the Atlantic Ocean, the American Mediterranean Sea is the combination of the seas of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
Explanation: The articles "The" are used because "Atlantic Ocean," "American Mediterranean Sea," "Gulf of Mexico," and "Caribbean Sea" refer to specific locations. Translation: В Атлантическом океане американское Средиземное море - это сочетание морей Мексиканского залива и Карибского моря.

6. Victoria Falls is the largest waterfall in the world. Tugela Falls is the world’s second tallest. Europe’s highest waterfall is Utigard in Norway.
Explanation: The articles "The" are used because "Victoria Falls," "Tugela Falls," and "Utigard" refer to specific waterfalls. Translation: Виктория - самый большой водопад в мире. Тугела - самый высокий водопад в мире после него. Самым высоким водопадом в Европе является Утигард в Норвегии.

7. During our unforgettable tour across Europe, we visited many countries: France, Belgium, and the Netherlands in Western Europe; Spain and Italy in Southern Europe; Poland and Belarus in Eastern Europe.
Explanation: The articles "The" are used because "France," "Belgium," "the Netherlands," "Western Europe," "Spain," "Italy," "Southern Europe," "Poland," and "Belarus" refer to specific countries or regions. Translation: Во время незабываемого тура по Европе мы посетили множество стран: Францию, Бельгию и Нидерланды в Западной Европе; Испанию и Италию в Южной Европе; Польшу и Беларусь в Восточной Европе.

8. The country I liked most of all was amazing Italy. I got to know much about its history and culture. During the numerous excursions, I learned that Medieval Italy was a real center of art.
Explanation: The articles "The" are used because "Italy" refers to a specific country, and "Medieval Italy" refers to a specific time period. Translation: Страна, которая мне больше всего понравилась - удивительная Италия. Я узнал многое о ее истории и культуре. Во время многочисленных экскурсий я узнал, что Средневековая Италия была настоящим центром искусства.

9. The capital city of Italy is Rome. It is a city that is full of history. Walking in its streets, you can easily imagine Ancient Rome, because there are a lot of historical evidence of those times.
Explanation: The article "The" is used because "capital city," "Italy," and "Ancient Rome" refer to specific locations or time periods. Translation: Столицей Италии является Рим. Это город, полный истории. Прогуливаясь по его улицам, вы легко можете представить себе Древний Рим, потому что существует много исторических доказательств тех времен.

10. The Rome of today is a modern beautiful city with charming and hospitable inhabitants and a lot of tourists who are eager to do sightseeing and visit the Vatican.
Explanation: The article "The" is used because "Rome" refers to a specific city, and "the Vatican" refers to a specific location. Translation: Современный Рим - это современный красивый город с очаровательными и гостеприимными жителями и множеством туристов, которые стремятся посмотреть достопримечательности и посетить Ватикан.

11. Next year, I want to visit South America and Buenos Aires in Argentina.
Explanation: The article "the" is not used because "South America" is a continent, and "Buenos Aires" is a proper noun referring to a specific city. Translation: В следующем году я хочу посетить Южную Америку и Буэнос-Айрес в Аргентине.
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