нужна из 12 предложений содержат грамматические ошибки, исправьте.
1) She writing a letter now.
2) He have just finished his lunch.
3) We did not went to the cinema yesterday.
4) She will return tomorrow.
5) He translated the text yesterday the whole day yesterday.
6) When I came home, my mum read a newspaper.
7) Mr. Brown has done his project by 7 pm yesterday.
8) What he is doing now?
9) When I got to school, I remembered that I left my textbook at home.
10) I am going shopping at 5 pm yesterday.
11) He usually go on foot, he do not use a car.
12) Who did translate the article?
It is important to select the appropriate mood for television programs. For example, people who have clearly expressed a sense of boredom, pessimism and apathy, can significantly raise the mood of watching a movie with a thrilling story. Adventurous scenes experienced by characters in the film, to help dispel the boredom and create a positive mood.