В вашем тексте есть опечатки. В современном инглише should практически не используется в значении будущего в согласовании времен. Но в наших школах встречаются не всегда сведущие педагоги.
1. They asked when the train started. 2. She asked me what I would (классический вариант - should) do tomorrow. 3. I asked my uncle how long he had stayed in Moscow. 4. He wondered where I had bought this hat. 5. He asked her where she usually spent her summer holidays. 6. She asked me why I had come there yesterday.
1. The teacher asked me if my father worked at a factory. 2. Grandmother asked if I had gone shopping yesterday. 3. My sister asked if I would (should) take her to the theatre with me tomorrow. 4. The doctor asked Nick if he washed his face every morning. 5. Father asked Nick if he had done his homework. 6. The man asked if there were some more books there.
1. Mother asked Tom to go to bed. 2. The man said to the boy not to play in the street. 3. Teacher asked Nick to give her his book. 4. Father asked Jane to show him her homework. 5. The teacher asked the pupils not to open their books. 6. Kate asked her grandmother to help her to cook the soup.
1) мне не нужны. 2) У тебя одно предложение переведено не верно. По тексту - Мы никогда не боимся сдавать тесты или экзамены. 3) у тебя в тексте описывается только одна школа, поэтому ответ на первый вопрос: Caroline studies at boarding school. It is a school for girls agen 11-18. The best thing about boarding is that you are always with your friends. Besides, it is the best way to get a good education. 4) А ответ на второй вопрос - любые предложения из текста Например: The teachers encourage pupils to do their best because they want the girls to succeed in life. The girls can go and see a teacher for help anytime. Pupils study all the compulsory subjects and there are a lot of optional subjects. There are a lot of other interesting activities to take part in The girls go on school trips and do a lot of sports.
I don't know if Kannan man is and us snug HCA