1. Large- larger – the largest
2. Tall – taller – the tallest
3. Long – longer – the longest
4. Easy – easier – the easiest
5. Hot – hotter – the hottest
6. Big – bigger – the biggest
7. Cold – colder – the coldest
8. Nice – nicer – the nicest
9. Bad – worse- the worst
10. Strong – stronger – the strongest
11. Short – shorter – the shortest
12. Wide – wider - widest
13. Good – better- the best
14. Happy – happier – the happiest
15. High – higher – the highest
16. Low – lower - the lowest
17. Busy – busier – the busiest
18. Well – better – the best
19. Little – less – the least
20. Many – more – the most
21. Far - farther, further; - the farthest, furthest
larg - larger - the largest
tall - tller - the tallest
long - longer - the longest
easy- easier - the easiest
hot - hotter - the hottest
big - bigger - the biggest
cold - colder - the coldest
nice- nicer - the nicest
bad- worse - the worst
strong - stronger - the strongest
short - shorter - the shortest
wide - wider - the widest
good - better - the best
happy - happier the happiest
high - higher - the highest
low - lower - the lowest
busy, - busier - the busiest
well - better - the best
little - less - the least
many - more - the most
far - further - the furthest;
2. wonderful - more wonderful - the most wonderful
necessary - more necessary - the most necessary
quickly - more quickly - the most quickly
interesting, - more interesting - the most interesting
comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
popular - more popular - the most popular
active - more active - the most active
famous - more famous - the most famous,
beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
slowly - more slowly - the most slowly
clearly. - more clearly - the most clearly
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