twenty second
have a nice day
How your chief found out that you were coming to work late?
He told me that his aunt had live with them for three months.
The discovery of the art of writing was to enable the Ancient Egyptians to remember what their ancestors had done before them.
The Romans had destroyed Jerusalem with fire and killed many of the inhabitants.
He scarcely got outside the door when he heard Wardle’s voice talking loudly.
I knew right away that that was the place I was looking for all my life.
At nine o’clock that evening a long black Packard roadster was drawing up to her door, and Arnie was stepped out of the front seat where he was sitting with the driver and a girl between them.
I was a shout at him to stop, but at that moment he was running too fast to hear.
He was picking up the book he was read before I was coming into the room and turned the cover of the page to mark the place where he stopped reading.
No sooner they have arrived at this point than a most violent and startling knocking was heard at the door.
1. She paid her bills!
2. And after a year of complete rest then she decided to invest in a super-size hot air balloon and flew from Cairo to Cameroon.
3. Forgetting the money she gave or lost, till every penny of her million was spent. Then one sad day the balloon crashed And Brenda Bones ran out of cash.
4. She borrowed some coins and took a train.
5. She had no money, she had no car so she got a job in a little bar and told long stories about her trips and all the customers gave her tips.
6. It took her years to finally learn it but money's better when you earn it!
twenty second