6. Решите кроссворд.
1.The process of sending out heat light.
2.To show that something is true or give reasons for belief in something
3.Coal, clay, sand are ... materials.
5. A kind of fuel which was used for ships i n the 19th century.
6. A period of hundred years.
7. A piece of strong cloth fixed in position on a ship to move it through the water by the force of the wind.
8. A measure of the capacity of an engine, representing the force needed to pull 550 potinds one foot a second.
9. Opposite to wide.
10. One of the earliest types of a boat.
When I visited last month you had a lot of unsolved problems and you was a little bit depressed because of it. I hope that now everything is fine! You know that you can always rely on me and all share your troubles with me.
I am also writing you to invite you to party, as you probably remember I have a Birthday on March 27. We will celebrate at the restaurant, I hope that it will be a good chance for you to relax and meet new people (I have invited a lot of friends from my university).
By the way, how was your brother’s Birthday? I am sorry that once again I couldn’t come – I was sick and had to stay in bed. I am sending my gift to him through our friend Ben. He turned 25, right? I will be happy to see him at my Birthday as well.