Summer of -это the most wonderful season from all,because in summer at each of us heap of time,we can conduct them with native,to make,merry to visit wonderful places etc
But,the summer I conducted 70 on 30 .I whole days was at a home,saw different films,clips and certainly did cleaning up cleaning up cleaning up cleaning up! Only,that a summer made me happy to these -это arrival of my best friend from Moscow,she arrived in July and we went to go,for a walk with us yet there was our general friend .We pleasantly spent time recklessly .I think,it I will never forget !
I went out only in a court and that with the disobedient brothers .Yes, a прекрассноее summer,is eventual
and yet plus in,that this summer I chummed in with very good people and removed from some .knew what they .That be all ! But I wait a next summer however
Я хочу поехать в британию потому-что я хочу научится языку от настоящих англичан .Как известно,лучшие учителя иностранного рождаются на родине языка.Сначало будет трудно найти общее понимание,если плохо знаешь этот язык,но это в том случае если учитель не знает твоего родного языка.Если прожить примерно год в другой стране,то ты начнёшь разговаривать,на этом языке как-будто ты там родился.
I want to go to England, because I want to learn the English language from the real thing. As you know, the best teachers of the foreign born at home yazyka.Snachalo will be difficult to find a common understanding, if it is bad you know the language, but this is the case if the teacher does not know your native yazyka.Esli live for about a year in another country, then you'll start to talk, I'm on it
Тема немного нудная.Так-что продолжи дальше сам.