Read these sentences and write them in reported speech. Write full words in your answers. Don't forget about full stops at the end of the sentences.
Use 'that' in positive sentences for reported speech.
1. “You will be paid twice a month,” her boss said
2. “ Go to your room and read this book”, mum said to Steve.
3. “Check the documents”, the boss said
2) Acrobats can jump well, can't they... ?
3) Yesterday clowns played tricks, didn't they... ?
4) You won't go to the circus tomorrow, will you... ?
5) They didn't play music, did they... ?
Write it in Englih .
1) наездница - a horsewoman
2) дрессировщик - a trainer
3) музыкант - a musician
4) жонглёр - a juggler
5) дрессированный - trained/tamed
6) акробат - an acrobat
7) цирк - a circus
8) зрители - spectators
9) выступать перед зрителями - to perform in front of the spectators
10) арена - an arena / a stage