1. c
2. b
3. c
4. a (read)
5.b (arrived)
6. c
14. a (works)
1. Does he study at college?
2. Were they reading the whole evening yeaterday?
3. Did they come to Paris yesterday?
4. Have they received many letters this year?
5. Does Nick know 5 foreign languages?
6. Is he making a pie now?
1. Yesterday, when they came, Helen was cooking something.
2. After he had received the letter, his brother phoned.
3. I was dancing the whole night at the party yesterday.
4. Nick was frightened when he got a letter.
5. Did she cook dinner yesterday?
6. I didn't watch TV in the evening.
4: как я поняла, тут исправить ошибки нужно
1. Do you work every Saturday?
2. They are coming now.
3. We don't understand foreign languages.
4. Alex didn't remember it.
5. Anna is doing her homework now.
6. Ken has spent all his money already.
1. ...helps me.
2. ...did she go...
3. What does he usually do...
4. He had finished...
5. They were cleaning...
6. She is sleeping now.
1 fat
2 fit
3 pretty
4 freckles
5 bold
6 blonde
7 scar
8 red
9 tan
10 beard
1 Он был немного жирным когда был младшим но он достаточно похудел.
2 Макс спортивный человек. Он ходит в зал три раза в неделю.
3 Йорданова сестра очень красивая. Её одноклассники хотят встречаться с ней.
4 Её веснушки делают её моложе чем она есть.
5 Он совсем лысый. Он облысел годами назад.
6 Моя сестра красила волосы в светлый цвет
7 Господин Черный был солдатом. У его есть шрам на лице
8 Имбирь прозвище для человека с рыжымы волосами
9 Она отдыхала на Бали. Я видел её загар.
10 Он пытается вырастить бороду