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(обращение к водителю такси)

…! …, ….!
Yes, … Where to?
Take me to the Savoy Hotel,…
…, sir.

(случайная встреча со старым знакомым по длительного времени)

…, but haven’t we met before?
… …, I can’t place you.
Last Summer at Brighton.
But …, you are Mike. How stupid of me. I … … …, I should have remembered.

(выражение благодарности друзьям)

- … …, John for going to all that trouble for us.

- Don’t …, Peter, … Dorothy. She is the one who did all the running around.

- Well, … …, then, Dorothy. It was very good of you and we’re very grateful.

- … …, Peter, I didn’t mind a bit.

(разговор по телефону)

Mrs Garret: …?

Joey: …. This is Joey Burke speaking. … … speak to Sasha,…?

Mrs G.: … … Sasha! There’s somebody … … … for you.

Sasha: … This is Sasha

Joey: …, Sasha. This is Joey Burke … … New York.

Sasha: …, Joey! … … …?

Joey: I’m fine. How are you doing?

Sasha: …I’m having a great time in Atlanta!

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Many hundreds of years ago, a Native American chief named Shenandoah lived with his people (?) in what is now the state of Virginia. Very little is known about Shenandoah, but the soft sound of his name was given to a river. The Shenandoah River still flows in a deep valley between the mountains in West Virginia, just as it did when Chief Shenandoah lived. There is an old Native American story which tells how the river got its name.

A long time ago, many centuries before Europeans settled in America, there was a great lake of sparkling blue water hidden in the mountains of Virginia.  For hundreds of years Native American people lived near this lake, feeding on the fish they caught in its clean waters.  The Native Americans often climbed up the mountains and camped there during their long hunts for food. In the evenings they would sit near their camp and look down at the beautiful lake. On a clear, starry night you could see thousands of stars shining and dancing on the water below. The Native Americans loved this lake, and because they could see the stars in it they called the lake, “Clear Daughter of the Stars.” In their language, the word for this was “Shenandoah.”

When Allan got to the airport, the airport official said: “I’m sorry, sir, but your plane has taken off.  You will have to take the next flight. You will arrive in New York at about midnight.” Allan was very upset: “I must be in New York at 6pm. I have a job interview there. I can't miss it. It’s the best job in the world. Thousands of men and women dream of such a job.”  The airport lady said nothing and turned to another passenger. Allan wanted to ask her about other possible options, but she looked very busy so he stepped aside. Allan didn't know what to do. He realized that he had to call the company manager and tell him that he would not come. For the first time in his life Allan felt really disappointed. There probably wouldn't be a second chance for him. He pulled out his notebook. The time of the interview was written there: 6pm, Tuesday. Allan looked at his digital watch and read: 2pm, Monday. 

 I live in a little village and feel very happy about it. Although some people may think that life in the country is boring I have many reasons to disagree. First, we enjoy beautiful nature here. There’s a large clear lake near the village and fishermen from the nearby city come every weekend. My friend from the city was really surprised to find out how much fish we have here. He said that most lakes are poisoned nowadays and there's no fish there. It is true that scientific progress does people lots of good but it ruins nature too. If not controlled, it can be dangerous for all of us.

Philip didn’t like autumn. When the teacher told the class about the trip to the country to see the house of a famous writer, he didn’t feel happy at all. Fortunately, it didn’t rain on the day of the trip. When they arrived, they saw a nice wooden house in a large park. In fact, the park was the main attraction of the place.  It was very beautiful in autumn with its trees in different colours.

4,4(39 оценок)
Больше всего на  свете мне хотелось дружную семью. чтоб если пельмени лепить  — то  в  восемь рук, если на  санках кататься  — то  до  красноты щек, а  если путешествовать  — то  обязательно вместе. когда нас еще было а  впрочем, обо всем по  порядку. на  семейном совете было принято решение  — едем отдыхать на  выходные! пятилетний игореша резвился как козлик неизвестной породы  — скакал, бодался и  кричал от  радости что-то такое: "да    юг во  всем мире". югом в  широком смысле этого слова я  назвала соль-илецк, куда из-за полезности соленых вод решено было выехать. годом раньше я  в  качестве десантника-разведчика уже совершила вояж на  соленые озера. а  теперь  — едем все! больше всего переживала о  том, как сынишка перенесет дорогу: все-таки маленький еще. да  что там  — для мамы сын и  с  сединой все равно малыш, а  тут  — детсадовец. но  парнишка мой бойко влез в  автобус и  не  спал все десять часов пути  — ему все интересно было. и  остановки с  горячим чаем, и  дальнобойщики, громко ругающие кого-то прямо в  пути, и  сонные деревушки, встречающиеся в  нашем ночном вояже. и  вот мы  на  месте. с  рассветом въехали мы  в  город соляных шахт, потом поиски жилья и  долгожданное купание. охи, ахи, брызги, смех и  нескончаемое ощущение сынуля так разбуянился, что еле удалось уговорить его вернуться домой. а  потом была поездка в  оренбург  — красивейший город россии! его театры, старинные часы, памятник чкалову, канатная дорога, мост, соединяющий европу и  азию, поразили нас своим великолепием. мы  гуляли, не  уставая, смеялись почти без повода и  были абсолютно счастливы  — папа, мама и  сын. мы  уже тогда поняли, что хотим, чтоб нас стало четверо. наша мечта сбылась  — подрастает маленькая томочка, и  совсем скоро уже четыре человека будут смеяться в  красивом незнакомом городе.
4,6(15 оценок)
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