7. Match the
words and their descriptions.
herbal remedies
1. Treating people with special oils, which are
used in a bath or rubbed into the skin.
2. Treating somebody by putting them into a
deep sleep and controlling what they think.
3. Treating people by rubbing various parts of
their body to relieve pain.
4. Treating people with medicines made from
special herbs and plants
5. Treating people with needles to stimulate
nerve impulses.
6. Treating people by pressing parts of their feet
in order to treat problems in other parts of
their body
7. Giving people very very small amounts of
я дуже чекала цієї поїздки.коли ми приїхали я здивувалася готичному стилю Лондона. але найбільше я хотіла побачити Національну галерею. Говорили що там твори відомих осіб навіть росіян.коли ми туди прибили я здивувалася розташуванням картин.
я очень ждала этой поездки.когда мы приехали я удивилась готическому стилю Лондона. но больше всего я хотела увидеть национальную галерею. Говорили что там произведения известных лиц даже русских.когда мы туда прибили я удивилась расположением картин.
I was really looking forward to this trip.when we arrived I was surprised by the Gothic style of London. but most of all, I wanted to see the national gallery. They said that there are works of famous people, even Russian.when we nailed it I was surprised by the location of the paintings.