Al. Mark the right translation of the verb подчиняться. (Отметьте верный перевод глагола подчиняться.) 1)obey А2. Make the right word combinations. (Составьте правильные словосочетания.) 1) deliver =с newspapers 2) computer=d. games 3) take = a. decisions 4) earn = b. money A3. Match the words and phrases with the same meaning. (Соедините слова и фразы с одинаковым значением.) l) easy=d. slight 2) appear=c. emerge 3) finish=a. end 4) hear =b. listen (to) A4. Choose the correct variant. (Выберите правильный вариант.) Teachers are always... the teenagers with their decisions. 2) ready to help Bl. Write the appropriate verb in the correct form. (Напишите нужный глагол в правильной форме.) 1) I always do the housework at the weekend. 2) He does the morning exercises regularly. 3) I should make a phone call. Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.) Parents advise their children how they should spend the money.
Соедините место¬имения в именительном и объектном падежах.) 1) you a. us 1-c 2) she b. her 2-b 3) they с. you 3-d 4) we d. them 4-a A2. Choose the necessary verb. (Выберите нужный глагол.) It was quiet and he ..2./4 all the sounds. 2) could hear 4) could listen to A3. Choose the item with the preposition for. (Выберите ва¬риант с предлогом for) 1) You should explain. them the rule. 2) You should look..after. your pet. 3) You should rely .on.. your knowledge. 4) He looked ..for. the key everywhere. A4. Mark the wrong sentence. (Отметьте неправильное предложение.) 1) She is spoken about everywhere. 2) The door painted yesterday. /the dooor was painted 3) The book was sold last year. 4) This girl will be sent for. Bl. Transform the sentences using the Passive Voice. (Пере¬стройте предложения, используя пассивный залог.) 1) Не will pay for flowers. flowers will be payed by him.
2) She laughed at him loudly. he was laughed at by her.
2) She took care of the dog carefully. the dog was taken good care by her.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.) house / painted / the / by / parents / was / my /the house was painted by my parents.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.) cut / with / the / cake / the / was / knife the cake was cut by the knife
А2. Make the right word combinations. (Составьте правильные словосочетания.)
1) deliver =с newspapers
2) computer=d. games
3) take = a. decisions
4) earn = b. money
A3. Match the words and phrases with the same meaning. (Соедините слова и фразы с одинаковым значением.)
l) easy=d. slight
2) appear=c. emerge
3) finish=a. end
4) hear =b. listen (to)
A4. Choose the correct variant. (Выберите правильный вариант.)
Teachers are always... the teenagers with their decisions.
2) ready to help
Bl. Write the appropriate verb in the correct form. (Напишите нужный глагол в правильной форме.)
1) I always do the housework at the weekend.
2) He does the morning exercises regularly.
3) I should make a phone call.
Cl. Make the sentence using the following words. (Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.)
Parents advise their children how they should spend the money.